I Have A Dream
Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in our friendship.
I have a dream, and in my dream some of us were drinking vodka and juice.
I have a dream and in my dream i was drinking gancia.
I have a dream that one day Lavezzi will go back to Pinamar and party hardy!
I have a dream that one day, even Flomo will come and get drunk with us...
I have a dream that one day, apartment 7 will be transformed into an oasis of freedom... again.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Pinamar, with its outrageous nights, one day right there boys and girls will be able to join hands and ask for another round!
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, we will be on vacation again, together, like sisters from the gettho, having lunch by the sea and splitting bills fairly to keep our friendship going.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day the coast of Pinamar will be exalted, and every step we take towards a bar at night will be cherished like the first step to get on the bus.
This is my hope, and this is the faith that I go back to my house with.
With this faith, i will be able to stand up for my rights (thank you bob!) and say: I will not go to salta! I will not go to jujuy!
With this faith, we will be able to transform our discords into a beautiful symphony of sisterhood.
With this faith, we will be able to go on vacation together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to party together, knowing that we will be drunk one day, or many... but always together.
And this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning: "tanoooo, mirame las tetaaaassss"
And when this happens, when we party hardy for 15 days in a row, we will be able to call ourselves sisters, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of some britney spears´s or christina´s song!
Can´t Hold Us Down!
Thank God Almighty, we are "that much stronger"!
Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in our friendship.
I have a dream, and in my dream some of us were drinking vodka and juice.
I have a dream and in my dream i was drinking gancia.
I have a dream that one day Lavezzi will go back to Pinamar and party hardy!
I have a dream that one day, even Flomo will come and get drunk with us...
I have a dream that one day, apartment 7 will be transformed into an oasis of freedom... again.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Pinamar, with its outrageous nights, one day right there boys and girls will be able to join hands and ask for another round!
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, we will be on vacation again, together, like sisters from the gettho, having lunch by the sea and splitting bills fairly to keep our friendship going.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day the coast of Pinamar will be exalted, and every step we take towards a bar at night will be cherished like the first step to get on the bus.
This is my hope, and this is the faith that I go back to my house with.
With this faith, i will be able to stand up for my rights (thank you bob!) and say: I will not go to salta! I will not go to jujuy!
With this faith, we will be able to transform our discords into a beautiful symphony of sisterhood.
With this faith, we will be able to go on vacation together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to party together, knowing that we will be drunk one day, or many... but always together.
And this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning: "tanoooo, mirame las tetaaaassss"
And when this happens, when we party hardy for 15 days in a row, we will be able to call ourselves sisters, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of some britney spears´s or christina´s song!
Can´t Hold Us Down!
Thank God Almighty, we are "that much stronger"!
At 4:32 PM, PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…
creo ke es mi mejor post... lejos...
jajajjaj besos, las amo! ^^
At 6:23 PM, Anonymous said…
Sin palabras..sólo lágrimas y ganas de que este sueño compartido se convierta en realidad.
Honguito, no sé si ya te lo dije antes, pero sos lo más. Gracias por revivir los recuerdos de nuestra amistad, gracias por hacernos recordar, que cualquier peleita pelotuda nunca va a vencer lo que tenemos y formamos con todos estos años compartidos y que a pesar de que estamos más grandes, con responsabilidades cada vez mayores y que la vida nos va llevando por caminos distintos, algunas más lejos, otras más cerca, todo lo que hemos vivido, lo que estamos viviendo y lo que viviremos va a formar parte de nosotras como una de las cosas más importante de nuestras vidas. porque sin ustedes, mi vida estaría vacía y todo lo que me tocó vivir hubiese sido mucho más difícil superarlo sin ustedes..asi que hago público mi agradecimiento y mi amor por ustedes vecinitas. Las adoro.
pd: me fui a la mierda no?!!
At 6:58 PM, PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…
jajaj no, sos una grosa flomo... firmaste mi block!
y como soliamos decir: FRIENDS 4 EVER
At 7:18 PM, Anonymous said…
ayyy quee amoorr
At 10:11 PM, Anonymous said…
AY HONGO, FUNGUS, ANIRAH que gran post. una vez applause a tu brillante exposicion literaria, pensaste alguna vez en seguir letras?
en fin .. la verdad que hubos posts buenos, no tan buenos, hubo grandes y pequeños posts pero este definitivamente es uno de los mejores, es tan bueno que hasta motivo a pequeña flor cambrea a firmar.
yo creo que hay hope de un verano juntas, no se cuando ni como ni si las estrellas se alinearan para lograrlo pero vaticino una ultima cañita vecinal, some day, not so far away .
en fin creo que conocerlas no me fue indiferente, todo en mi cuerpo quiere verlas y pide a gritos abrazarlas y tratar to discover juntas a little something to make me sweeter porque you babies should refrain de romper my heart cada vez que no las veo.
bueno nenas la verdad es que son lo mejor que me paso en la vida y no se que haria sin uds. entiendanme que cuando me pongo de mal humor es porque espero toda la semana para verlas.
y bueno ojala que la vida nos siga uniendo como un patchwork, con cada vez mas retazos de nuestras historias y mas remiendos que hacer para que la amistad crezca.
At 10:14 PM, PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…
es mutuo, es mutuo...
At 11:04 PM, PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…
jajajajja yo no ando persiguiendo ex novios ajajjaja
ni pidiendo explikacions 4 años despues
haces reir al conejito de mis pantuflas!!
At 11:05 PM, Anonymous said…
At 12:04 AM, Anonymous said…
En ingles y, por lo visto en las primeras líneas, muy empalagoso...
Keep on Rockin'
PD: Soy una lampara, un sitio 100% halógeno. http://www.fotolog.net/soyunalampara
PD2: Yo no te censuro, ya tenes una de tus fotos subidas...
At 1:18 PM, Anonymous said…
anira see vienee see viene
oldies but goldies, nuevo lema de las vejetas del grupo.
At 12:25 PM, PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…
yo lo llamaria mas bien un "oldies but gordies" jajajaja
beso, bye
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