Noche En Pañales, Pekados A La Brasa!!

Y Ke El Hombre No Separe Lo Ke El Vodka Con Jugo Clight O Mucho Gancia Ha Unido... ^^

Friday, November 11, 2005

Yo Soy Tu Nene


Dear Girl,
I feel that the time has come for me to have a girlfriend. I know you're out there somewhere. Don't worry, I'll find you.
And when I do, I hope that you'll love me because I'm Pablo, not because I'm Mariano´s older brother. I hope you won't be embarrassed when I want to watch Independiente on TyC, instead of "amor en custodia".
I hope that you will remember I do taekwondo, not judo, and that I play midfield, not defense, and that my friends are a big part of my life.
I pray that you'll love me despite my tendency to forget birthdays, and if your parents invite me to dinner, please write their names really small on my hand so I can use it as reference.
Please know that I will constantly act strong and in control, but inside I am actually lost and confused. (Just don't tell my friends.) Please don't worry if I hurt myself skateboarding. Instead, be there to mend my wounds with kisses.
Understand that loving each other means being together, but not all the time. We should never bail on our friends. Also understand that I may at times act jealous and overly protective, but only because I have insecurities not because you are doing anything wrong.
And if we fall out of love with one another, please don't hate me. And if I cry in front of you, please don't laugh at me. Please know that I'm sensitive... in a manly, tough kind of way.
Please be honest with me without being hurtful. After all, I am a boy. And I promise to always be honest with you, because you deserve honesty. And I promise to open doors for you and buy your ticket when we go to the movies.
And no, you aren't fat, so please don't constantly ask. And you don't need any makeup either. Oh, and don't be upset if you cut your hair and I don't notice. I will love you even in a Levi's and a T-shirt.
I hope you don't think I'm asking too much of you. I just want to be happy making you happy. I'm coming to find you, so don't go anywhere. Stay where you are, whoever you are. And by the way, my name's Pablo.

Yours Always,

chikas, yo se ke se murieron de amor... no lo escondan...
a continuacion, informacion valiosa:, no lo divulguen! ^^


vamos chikas, no sean timidas...



  • At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



  • At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aca cn mi gattuflisss meeeery!!!!!!!! como t amo pendejaaaaa gataaaaa !!! sos mi idola
    como le vas a poner ahh sisi a mi tmb me dicen gato ! jajajajajjaja muy grosa esa....
    t extraño bandas boldua no sabes cuanto !!!! =(=(=(=(=(=( t neCHEEEEechitoooo muchooooooo

    a la otra gata ANIRAH tmb la amo muchio muchio muchio !!!!!! alt acancionnn me la tenes q pasar todavia

  • At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    es todoo mentiraa nii leeii el postt pero no estoy de acuerdo con dar mi maill

    ine si quiere q se lo des

  • At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…

    jajajaj son dos penes boludazas (???)

  • At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ¿por qué en inglés?

    Keep on Rockin'

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…

    porke es un alto copy paste de "chicken soup for the teenage soul" con una ke otra modificacion ^^

  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    debes admitirlo anirah, este post no tuvo exito .. si queres que pablo guste vas a tener que sacar la artillera pesada ...

    el nudismo.

    la gerencia

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…

    ok, le informare al muchacho...

  • At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mhh nudismo.. mhhh... tengo algunas fotos... pero para el carro.. si yo hago nudismo... van a tener q pagar, shows asi no se ven todos los dias gente

  • At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yo no sabia que era de chicken soup anirah y dije "que crack, puso lo de levi's como la cancion de jessica simpson"

    me decepcionaste you vaginal fungus.

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger PrîNÇê§Ä Ðë |_ç TïnîÈßlå$ said…

    you slut!

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger V said…

    ajajajaja q es esto?? anniraah xq ahroa sos wabi
    y quien es pablo?? pura ternura y amor ajajaja
    les digo q subi fotro a ruido de delfin ahora q viene el verano empieza su nueva etapa, pero ine necesito ideas de fotis e ir par alla a sacarnos fotos tinellisticas

    las amoooo

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger V said…

    decile a pablo q"the real me is a southern girl with her levi's on and an opened heart" x si le interesa ajajajaj


  • At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ay vicky sos una chanta te queres levantar a pablo no das


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